Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back then U didn't Want Me....

So, I'm on Facebook looking at people's pictures and reading comments and whatnot and sudden I get a message in the inbox. I look, and to my surprise its an old crush of mine from back in middle school talking about he wants my number. I'm suprised, and I end up giving him my number thinking how much I used to like him back in the day and wonder what his conversation game would be like... and I was SERIOUSLY DISAPPOINTED...
but that's not what I came here to talk about lol. It seems in the coming years since middle school and my early high school years, the guys I just absoutely ADORED back in those days and didn't give a rats ass about me because they were in the going hoe's faces are now sending me msgs and whatnot tryna to get to know me. At first I was like flattered && shit but now that I think about it...Im like the hell. Back then when I do admit I was awkard looking and reeked VIRGIN lol u didn't give me a second look but now that I've matured and become very cute u want to get to know me? It seems like every possible crush I have had has tried to get a second chance for me. It kinda boosts my ego at times I admit, but half the tims the niggas aint bout shit no way so I kindly thank them for their "compliments" and be on my way....if you wasn't interested then, what makes you so interested now that u start sweating me?? It can't be for nothing good, or that u just want to "TAKE ME OUT" or some.....u just want some!!! Lol in the words of Mike Jones, 'BACK THEN U DIDNT WANT ME NOW IM HOT U ALL ON ME" LMFAO