Monday, September 28, 2009

only LAMES go up to guys right..

Is it acceptable for girls to go up to guys now?

I ask this because....iam in a bit of a dilemma. In my history 2020 class, there is a guy. He's REALLY cute and his name is, I shall call him, J. J is cute as hell, and I peeped that out first day of class. He was kind of eyeing me too I felt it, but he didn't approach me. Cool. Whatever

So, just last week I got a little bit cute I think and went to class. after class, i was walking towards the library when he appears next to me. Im getting excited because im thinking 'perfect opportunity' and that he will start a conversation say hey or somethin.
UM, it never happened. We walked a good 10 minutes besides each other, and he didnt say a word to me. He put on his earphones and walked.

I felt crushed.

So, my friends are telling me maybe I should start a conversation with him and get him to know me. Maybe start saying "Hello," or "HI," and that will let him know that I am interested.
But my thing is....if he is interested, or halfway interested or thinks im cute....won't he approach me? Men are SIMPLE, right. If they are interested they will come up to you and approach you. If they are NOT interested, they WONT come up to you. Fairly simple concept, so why am I analyzing it right?

My friend told me just because he thinks Im pretty doesnt mean he wanna talk to me. He has to get to know me a bit before he can make that call to become interested, so starting a conversation is key. But Im juss saying.....WHY I GOTTA MAKE THAT FIRST MOVE?

Im LOSING my best friend to her BOYFRIEND

Me and my bestie have been friends since the 7th grade. We both haven't been in any serious relationships, and we were thick as thieves and stuck like glue our 1st and 2nd semester of college.

Then she got a boyfriend.

And now, it's so very very very different and no matter what she tells me, THAT SHIT IS DIFFERENT.

You see, I am still single, and with NO prospects in mind I like to go out.
but she, on the other hand does not like going out..she'd rather stay in her boyfriend

And thats fine and dandy....but she never wants to go out anymore. I'd ask her to go somewhere, and its like PULLING teeth to get her to go. I don't want to have to beg her to go anywhere with me. She is my bestie, she should go willing.. We live in an apt together and time spent is spent in each other rooms for whatever little time she isnt with her bf, and thats it.

I asked her recently about a party and she indicated she didn't want to go, though last week she was up for it. Im like WTF? Last year, any party there was we could get to she was geeked to go to. It just makes me frustrating.

I know she is happy in love, and wants to spend ALL her time with him but when did spending time with him sacrifice her wanting to spend time with me??

Im happy for my best friend, it is just that she is extremely frustrating me to the depths. Maybe I should just find another single friend and get it like that and leave her iwith her happy relationship. I dont know what anymore.
I just miss my old best friend. Before the boyfriend. But if shes happy..

MIA but iam back..

damn I haven't blogged for over a month---

i seriously apologize. I went back to college and moved into my apt, and got adjusted to the college life again after being home for nearly 4 months.

but im back like i never left, LEFT LIKE I NEVER SLEPT

haha that's some GUCCI GUCCi for ya...